I just recalled something that happened sometime last week. Parked outside my home was a powerful Toyota car which I intended to use to take me to my destination. 

I got inside to drive but could not do so because something was missing that enabled me to drive. The car had fuel and was in perfect condition but as I got inside I realized what was wrong ... I had left the key inside and without it, I could not get anyway. I realized that even spiritually you can be loaded with power, gifts and talents but without a key that unlocks your potential you cannot get anywhere.

It was in 2012 that I discovered that Apostle Pride Sibiya was the key that God would use to unlock my potential.

Written By Apostle Adolphias Chibanda
I first met the humble servant of God Apostle Sibiya in 2003 and followed his ministry from a distance and it took me ten years to finally submit to his authority. Basically, I am not someone who is quickly moved and nowhere is what ushered me to submit to him after a decade including what I have learnt from my father in the Lord.
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
1. On Marriage: The foundation of a successful ministry is in having a successful marriage. Apostle teaches that marriage must be enjoyable, romantic and Christ-centred and this is evident even in his own marriage to Mama Sibiya. A man ought to love his wife and give her the first priority in life and just last week he told me to make my wife the happiest woman in my world.

 2. On Mentorship: On this, Apostle emphasizes that you cannot be a good father unless you have been fathered. One cannot effectively lead unless he has mastered the art of following and its important to follow someone greater and more mature than you. One of his popular sayings is, “Ndinotamba nevezera rangu asi ndichigara nevakuru” (I play with those of my level but dwell under the counsel of the elders). Seeing him submit to Apostle A. Chisango made me desire to submit to him because I knew that I had found a man who practised what he preached. Many people talk of submission when they are never submitted to anyone.

3. On Simplicity: Even though Apostle Sibiya has over a hundred assemblies, he still remains humble and presents the gospel in its simplest form. He is firm, very principled but never a complicated man. I have seen both the rich and poor being treated equally by him and the word teaches that we should show no partiality (James Chapter 2).
4. On Life In General: At times I grow impatient and would want to jump certain stages in life but my father teaches that we move from stage to stage, one step at a time. This wisdom from him is what has made me progressively successful in ministry. I have also seen in his life that building relationships is more important than having all the money in the world.

In a nutshell,l I would describe Apostle Sibiya as a father who preaches the gospel more from his lifestyle than on the pulpit and this is the key that I needed to fulfil my destiny.
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya
God's Generals - Life Lessons Learnt From Apostle P. Sibiya